Who makes a blog in 2022?

I had been kicking around the idea of a blog for a few weeks, mulling over whether it would matter and if I was even into the idea of sharing thoughts that normally stay locked in my head.

I guess the real point of all this is to give myself some wiggle room in existing in this INDUSTRY space. Cause I am not a fan.

it’s exhausting…..

I figured I should just create my own space, where likes or comments don’t matter and I will be free to say whatever idiotic thing pops into my head.

Truly I just want to be free, I want to make music and be ok with it being there. It’s a journey but i’m happy to have a space to move at my own pace, to share what i can and finally just Be in my own skin.

those of you that read all that….cool welcome to the club I guess.

Why is it socaily acceptable to under pay service workers?


Why is it socaily acceptable to under pay service workers? <('-')>